MVP #8: Track & Field Team

It’s time to do away with the balls, rackets, and other accessories, and go back to “basics” with the track and field team. Track and field is an often overlooked sport, and many fail to realize the difficulty of what seems to be something as simple as running. Led this year by Class 2020’s Macky Camagay, the UPCM track and field team is hoping for more podium finishes in the individual and team categories for Palarong Medisina 2019 this coming Sunday, February 24, at the Ateneo de Manila University. Macky is no stranger to the competitive track and field atmosphere, having been part of the competitive team in high school and college. Read on to learn a little more about his life as a track and field athlete!

Class 2020’s Mich Eala and Macky Camagay, who both won medals in the individual events of Palarong Medisina 2018. Photo courtesy of Markyn Jared Kho (Class 2020).


UP MEDICS: How would you describe your team’s performance in the last Palarong Medisina?

Macky: I am happy with our performance last year especially the individual events (we were able to earn two medals) although I think that we still have a lot to improve on our team events.

UP MEDICS: Has your team participated in other events or competitions outside Palarong Medisina? If yes, what? If no, do you plan to change that?

Macky: No. There are very few track and field competitions around Manila and it’s simply difficult to gather the team given our schedules.

UP MEDICS: What do you think are your team’s strengths?

Macky: As a team, although we don’t see each other much other than trainings, I believe that as individuals we can easily get along with each other in such a way that we push ourselves to perform better on our events and workouts, making the team more cohesive.

UP MEDICS: What do you think are your team’s weaknesses or areas that need most improvement?

Macky: I think what we need to improve on is our training schedule and attendance. Track and field is a sport that is built on endurance and we can’t have that if we don’t give enough time for our training.

UP MEDICS: Does the track and field team have regular training sessions? If yes, how often, and what strategies do you use during training? If no, do you plan on changing that? How do you think this affects your team?

Macky: Our team has regular training when it’s near the season, otherwise we don’t. I’m trying my best to make it regular for the whole year.

UP MEDICS: How long have you been running for track and field? What made you start running competitively?

Macky: I started running in 2nd year high school. My high school, UPIS, was the best in UAAP Track and Field back then. When I graduated we were back-to-back champions and the streak continued after. Since I was a kid I have been participating in different sports like football and basketball and so they recruited me to the team to see what I can do and the rest was history.

UP MEDICS: How long have you been part of the track and field team? Why did you decide to join?

Macky: I’ve been part of the Track and Field team since LU3. I was already looking forward to it when I started med school and I was excited to compete in the Palarong Med since I got used to competing in college.

UP MEDICS: How do you think being part of the track and field team has affected your life?

Macky: I think it has given me more balance in life, not just in the physical and mental being per se but in terms of having to meet and actually know different people who enjoy the same things in life.

UP MEDICS: Why did you decide to be Captain? How does being captain differ from the other members of the team? (Does it entail additional tasks/responsibilities or an entirely different role?)

Macky: I was given the position of Captain when I was in LU5. I think being the captain is really more of a managerial thing (scheduling trainings, representing the team) but otherwise we are all equal in the team.

UP MEDICS: Aside from the track and field team, are you part of any other team (sports team, choir, etc.) for the college or outside of it? What other sports/activities do you spend your time on?

Macky: Futsal Team and Basketball Team

UP MEDICS: How do you balance being Captain and being a medical student?

Macky: I think my college background as a student athlete made it possible for me to manage my time in Med school. In college I had to train twice a day and I still have to study when I get home. Med school’s a lot simpler compared to that.

UP MEDICS: Do you prefer sprints or marathons? Why?

Macky: Sprints. I like explosive exercises ‘cause it gives you an instant boost of endorphins.

UP MEDICS: What do you think is the best way to train for faster sprints?

Macky: Combine weight exercises and running.

UP MEDICS: Free space!!! Anything else you want to say, shoutout/s, quotes of your choosing, etc.

Macky: Pls support the UPCM Track and Field Team! Thank you!


The Track & Field Team at Palarong Medisina 2018. (Standing, L-R) Nico Vinasoy (2023), Pael Jocson (2023), Macky Camagay (2020), Michael John Pecaoco (2018). Christopher John Macapugay (2019), Benjo Olaño-Sosa (2019), Gabriel Jazon (2018) Gian Aurelio (2020), Carlo Regalado (2019). (Sitting, L-R) Mars Rodolfo (2024), Geneva Morales (2022), Elise Severino (2021), Katrina Crisostomo (2019), Ria Imperial (2018), Mich Eala (2020), Pia Arevalo (2021). Photo courtesy of Markyn Jared Kho (Class 2020).

Just because something seems simple doesn’t mean it’s easy, and track and field is a testament to that. As with any sport, training is still necessary to develop and maintain the skills and athleticism needed for track and field. Let’s #ShowOurSupport for the team as they represent us this coming Sunday for Palarong Medisina 2019! The track events start at 5:30AM at the Ateneo de Manila University!

Photos courtesy of Markyn Jared Kho (Class 2020). Many many thanks to Macky Camagay (Class 2020) for taking the time to answer our questions!

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