CM Volleyball team gets hard-earned victory against freshie team

By: Rory Nakpil (Class 2022)

The UP College of Medicine Volleyball Team (CM) faced UP Manila’s Freshie Team (FT) for the university-wide sports competition, Bakbakan: OverDOSE, on February 12, 2018. The CM Volleyball team, led by team captain JP Ladera (Class 2020), took the lead early and managed to keep it for the entirety of the first set (25-18). FT kept the game going by winning the second set (20-25), and CM took the third set (15-7), winning the game. CM started the game with both strong offense and defense, and effectively fended off the steady and intense freshies. Come second set, however, the freshmen kept their strong pace and relentlessness in keeping the ball in play, but the CM team’s defense appeared to crumble as errors abounded. By the third set, the CM team was able to regroup, keeping a good pace and making less errors. Named player of the game was Dudi De Juras (Class 2019), whose excellent sets were a consistent and reliable force throughout the game.

UPCM Volleyball team (Back row, from left: Kirby Plando, Sam Sia, Kevin Verona, Vinz Solanoy, Vibiene Bernal, Dodi De Juras, Rochelle Cion, Cai Tuppil, Jack Bulaong, Rapsy Fudolig; front row, from left: Henzor Dauigoy, Ria Tan, Pibelle De Chavez, Jeram Angobung, Jayme Taguinod, Kat Sun, JP Ladera)
Photo by: Miguel Costa (Class 2022)

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